• Another Steam Next Fest (Tanked Up 382)

    This week Ben discusses Dead Space-a-like The Callisto Protocol, and the games he’s been playing demos of in the latest Steam Next Fest. Aadil goes back a few years to talk about the 2015 game, Tengami. Lucy has a week off the beers and leaves Aadil to drink the...
  • The Midnight Call of Duty (Tanked Up 381)

    Who doesn’t feel the call of duty at midnight? Us actually, because we’re old. This week Lucy delves into her time with two games, Midnight Girl, and the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (2023) multiplayer beta. Is MW3 a remake, a sequel to a remake or an entirely...
  • Steam Deck: Play with your tech (Tanked Up 380)

    This week Aadil discusses his time at the Leeds Beer Festival and some Steam Deck issues he has had, leading into some research on Microsoft Surfaces. Lucy reviews Nour: Play with your food, and discusses returning to the FPS game Prodeus, which then leads into a chat about one...
  • Chants of Crisis (Tanked Up 379)

    This week Ben gets a bit angry about the treatment of Final Fantasy VII with the release of Ever Crisis, whilst Lucy is more elated at more language based puzzles in Chants of Sennaar. It’s a week of collaborations for the beers. Ben has the Arbor X New Bristol...
  • We’re in Hop Water! (Tanked Up 378)

    Ben and Aadil bring little in the way of games but a lot in the beer choices. Aadil starts the episode with Abbeydale Brewery’s Sparkling Hop Water, then sups the 999/L Apricot and Raspberry Birthday Cake from Vault City. Ben drinks a couple of LHG collabs, the first with...
  • Sequels in Space (Tanked Up 377)

    We discuss a bunch of new games this week. Ben begins the episode vamping about the latest big sci-fi release, that’s right, No Man’s Sky. Lucy jumps in to chat the latest, and last DLC for The Case of the Golden Idol, titled The Lemurian Vampire and then gives...
  • Toem, Gamescom Highlights and Somerville (Tanked Up 376)

    Another Willsmithisode this week but this time it’s Lucy and Ben. Lucy returned to Toem for those tasty MS rewards points. The industry returned to Gamescom so Lucy and Ben discuss what was shown and anything they are looking forward to. Ben’s been playing Somerville before it’s PlayStation release...
  • Access Removed, Looking for Ports (Tanked Up 375)

    On this Willsmithisode Aadil and Ben discover that access to games isn’t easy. Ben had been playing Borderlands 3 but it was removed from the PS Plus Extra tier so he isn’t anymore. Aadil was playing with the PS Vita some more but ended up in the past and...
  • Looking at PS Vita through a Viewfinder (Tanked Up 374)

    Returning from their summer break, Lucy, Aadil and Ben get together to discuss video games over some cold beers. Ben chats about Viewfinder and gives his lite review of the game. Lucy has dabbled in a couple of games including Blossom Tales 2. We round out with Aadil recounting...
  • Fisting a Legacy (Tanked Up 373)

    Oh! Hi there! It’s been a while. We recorded this episode way back towards the start of July before the summer kicked into full gear and became super crazy. Enjoy a historic look back at F.I.S.T and Rogue Legacy 2. Old beers were drunk including Honey Isle from Crossover...
  • Dordogne review, Microsoft Vs the FTC, & Steam Next Fest (Tanked Up 372)

    The team return, beers in hand, to run down a week in gaming. Lucy scrounges through the Game Pass dirt, just for achievements and played My Friend Peppa Pig. Ben brings Dordogne, which Lucy has also played, and they have a much nicer conversation about that. The team briefly...
  • Bristol Craft Beer Festival and Not E3 (Tanked Up 371)

    The team returns after a busy and boozy few weeks to discuss two things. The Bristol Craft Beer Festival and Not E3 2023. They chat apps, best beers, the weather, notable game reveals and themed control pads. To drink Ben has the ‘Rocket Lolly’ from Northern Monk and Aadil...
  • Planet of Lana and After Us (Tanked Up 370)

    This week the whole team is here! Whoo! It’s a week of new releases too. Lucy gives her review of both Planet of Lana, and The Shape of Things. And Ben gives his thoughts on the initial few hours of After Us. Aadil decides he really should start The...
  • Tears of the Darkest Cryptmaster (Tanked Up 369)

    Lucy and Ben return to share some beers and chat about games, but of course, they start on a tangent and discuss The Simpsons and onion rings. Both have new games to talk about! Lucy shares her initial thoughts on The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom and...
  • The Case of Sentimentality (Tanked Up 368)

    Lucy’s been playing The Spider of Lanka DLC for The Case of the Golden Idol, which has some excellent screenshots. Ben has been playing Demos but instead talks about Life is Strange: True Colours. This brings on a discussion of shedding nostalgia and embracing sentimentality with a chat about...
  • Jetting through Doubt (Tanked Up 367)

    Ben and Lucy bring one game and one beer each this week to drink and discuss. Ben chats the first hour or so of Jett: The Far Shore, whilst Lucy has spent a little more time with the recent early access release of Shadows of Doubt. For their beer...
  • Microsoft will Street Fight Everyone (Tanked Up 366)

    Aadil joins Ben for a beer and to chat about hot news and big game demos. Ben leads with thoughts on the incredibly polished Viewfinder demo and rolls into discussing a campaign and a baby mode for Street Fighter 6. Aadil brings the news of Microsoft’s failed ActiBlizzKing acquisition....
  • Hooked on Handheld Coffee (Tanked Up 365)

    Ben and Lucy tread familiar ground this week with talks of sequels and hardware revisions. Lucy gives her thoughts on both Hook 2 and Coffee Talk EP 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly. With no games to speak of Ben brings up to rumoured Q-Lite, the possible new PlayStation handheld, Wii-U...
  • The Last Storyteller (Tanked Up 364)

    Ben and Lucy return to share their week in video games over a beer. Ben says he hasn’t played anything but is lying and Lucy asks him about The Last of Us Remastered. Lucy has put a little, but impactful time into Storyteller, a short game from Daniel Benmergui....
  • The Last Worker to ship a Playdate (Tanked Up 363)

    Ben and Lucy get together this week to share a beer and chat video games! Ben gives an in-depth breakdown of The Last Worker, Lucy has looked at the Playdate and its new store update, and madness ensues with various off-topic discussions and plenty of name-dropped games. For the...
  • Dredging for Decks (Tanked Up 362)

    Lucy’s back, and with her come a few videogames to review and discuss. It’s been a mix of fishing and boxing for her as she and Ben spend some time discussing Dredge and finish the episode chatting Deck ‘Em. Ben gives some first impressions on the mobile version of...
  • Delete After Drinking (Tanked Up 361)

    Welcome friends to Tanked Up, the almost weekly podcast. We’ve had a week or two off but we’re back with gaming chat and beers. Ben has been playing the mobile version of Delete After Reading, a new release from Patrones & Escondites, more Crisis Core on the PS4 and...
  • Like Puttty in our Hands (Tanked Up 359)

    Hey! This episode is up a little late but at least it’s here! The team discuss a bunch of games including Tomb Raider Reloaded, Valiant Hearts: Coming Home, Hazza Chazza and the 40ft wazza, Scars Above, Beyond Shadowgate, and Loretta. And for the beers, Lucy drinks “Mind Expansion Pack”...
  • Snapping Stadia (Tanked Up 358)

    This week Ben is joined by Aadil and between them, they’ve played a mobile game, but have all the intention of playing a different mobile game. Ben discussed Marvel Snap some more and updated Aadil on the game several months on. They discuss Vita emulation to Android devices and...
  • The Season-al Rush (Tanked Up 357)

    Ben and Lucy return and this time with fresh, alcoholic beers! Lucy drinks ‘Indecision Time A.I.M.S’, a pale ale from Burning Sky, and Ben dives into the big DIPA January release ‘Putty’ from Verdant. They’ve both been busy with games too. Lucy gives her final thoughts on Iron Lung...
  • Steamworld Below (Tanked Up 356)

    Ben and Lucy return to talk games and drink AF beers. Ben gives his impressions on the Steamworld Build demo, Lucy chats Below the Ocean and they discuss the new remake, rerelease, or remaster of Goldeneye and its lack of online multiplayer on certain platforms. Lucy drinks Northern Monk’s...
  • Getting the Final Ring (Tanked Up 354)

    Ben and Lucy get together to continue their dry January and find joy in video games. To start, their beers elicit a conversation, who is alcohol-free beer actually for? Then the games. Ben’s put more time into both Crisis Core – Final Fantasy VII Reunion and Elden Ring, singing...
  • Tanked Up Remastered: Hive Mind AF Edition (Tanked Up 353)

    We start the episode with some sober reminscing about drinking and hangovers. Ben Played has dabbled in Elden Ring. But he mostly played FF7 Reunion: Crisis Core.Lucy earns her title as the indie queen playing Melatonin, Letterbox, and Potion Shop. We also touched on the Vampire Survivors DLC. Then...
  • It’s the End of Another Year, 2022 Round Out (Tanked Up 352)

    Somehow we’re already at the end of 2022, so it’s time for our top picks. But first we open with a brief discussion/description of cat wanking, and then move on to our honourable mentions. And then on to the Top 10s, with the usual TUP tomfoolery and tangents. Strap...
  • Stacking lands and space a little to the left (Tanked Up 351)

    The team gets together to discuss a few games and share a few beers. Ben discusses the early hours of Ixion, a newly released, space-based city(ish) builder. Lucy gives brief thoughts on Stacklands, and a more in-depth review on A Little to the Left. To drink, Lucy has the...
  • Dying to find the Flowzone (Tanked Up 350)

    Ben has jumped back into OlliOlli World with the Finding the Flowzone DLC and bludgeoned his way into Bloody Ties, the new story DLC for Dying Light 2. ...
  • Moar Marvel Snap, with Golden Idol Currency (Tanked Up 347)

    Aadil has returned to the land of the internetted… He managed to squeeze a dozen or so games of Marvel SNAP, after hearing the discussion last week. The crew goes on a deep dive from their respective perspectives. Lucy finished “The Case of the Golden Idol”, and everyone agreed...
  • We Need That Girth (Tanked Up 346)

    This week Ben and Lucy both drink collaboration stouts. Lucy has the Attic Brew Co X Protokoll, Empty Cans and Ben drinks Coffee from Brew York X Siren. For the games, Ben chats a little Marvel Snap whilst Lucy is still on a point-and-click binge. She discusses The Plague...
  • Bowser’s in Valhalla (Tanked Up 345)

    Stouts are drank, games are discussed and 'it's not-a-me' Mario appears...
  • The Lucy Show, now with actual Lucy and stars! (Tanked Up 344)

    With her now internet more stable than the pound, Lucy catches us up on all the games she’s been playing over the past few weeks. Lucy played As Dusk Falls, Norco, Immortality, Tinykin, The Artful Escape, Lost Words Beyond the Page, Love 3, and Return to Monkey Island. She...
  • Cowabunga! Its the Lucy Episode before the internet Killzoned (Tanked Up 343)

    The Summer hiatus is over and we all played some games. Aadil goes on a deep-dive on TMNT: The Cowabunga Collection. Ben has gone back to Killzone: Shadow Fall, as the beginning of his new approach to gaming, taking advantage of PS++, and Lucy… played some games. Aadil had...
  • We want at least 12 minutes with Foghorn Leghorn in Multiversus (Tanked Up 342)

    Lucy played 12 minutes, and things devolved into a spoiler-free discussion likening it to “The Room” of video games. Lucy and Ben have finished Stray, but graciously are waiting for Aadil to cap it off for next week’s episode. Ben has been playing Multiversus, and things naturally veer towards...
  • On Deck with a Steaming Affogato (Tanked Up 341)

    The whole crew is together for one longer episode this week. It may be the height of summer, but free-time is in short supply. Aadil, ever the timely host, interrupts the game talk for some steam deck news. Ben updates us on his PS5 queueing. We talk about spiderman,...
  • To Prey for them that have done Scathe to us (Tanked Up 340)

    It’s Ben and Lucy this week. Ben has been previewing Scathe, a twitchy bloody FPS. We dip back into Powerwash Simulator and Lucy has continued playing the updated Into the Breach.. It wouldn’t be Lucy and Ben if Tony Hawk wasn’t brought up, this time it was mostly about...
  • Catting about in a cyberdystopia and other Stray details (Tanked Up 339)

    TUP 339 – Catting about in a cyberdystopia and other Stray details. The whole crew is together and through the somehow busy summer we’ve all only played one game. But its the much anticipated, and talked about all over the internet, play-as-a-cat-game: Stray. Ben has finished the game, and...
  • Dead Animals, Lord Winklebottom is forever (Tanked Up 338)

    Lucy finished “Endling: Extinction is Forever”, and discussed her overall opinions on the whole experience. She also played “Lord Winklebottom Investigates”, a 1920s based murder mystery point and click adventure with a giraffe protagonist. We round the episode off with a chat about what games are on our radars,...
  • Tanked Up 337 – Dading about in the Rollerdrome

    Ben catches us up on the start of Dading round 2. He then treated us to an in depth chat about Rollerdrome, an upcoming third-person action shooter that is also a rollerskating game by the same team who brought us OlliOlli World. Ben had the Super Visions Hazy IPA...
  • Tanked Up 336 – Escape routes with just a map

    Just Aadil and Lucy this week, so naturally we take some time out to talk about the nonsense meme of caring too much about pineapple on pizzas. It’s been a minute and Lucy has played a few games. We talk about her time with “Escape Academy”, as well as...
  • Tanked Up 335 – Guardians of the Planet of Horny Animals

    Ben talks Planet Zoo and his life now as an animal husbander, rather than a park designer. He also played some Guardians of the Galaxy. We also touched on “Starbucks pricing” models and PS+. As usual the convo involves things like Gamespass, the Steam Deck, as well as an...
  • Tanked Up 334 – Playing cards for jumps and profit

    Lucy and Aadil talk about the games they’ve been playing. Lucy throws away a dagger card to take us on a deep dive on Neon White. Aadil also played a game with cards, but this one is a turn-based strategy RPG: Gordian Quest. Lucy had the Island in the...
  • Tanked Up 333 -Teenage Mutant Nostalgia Boners

    The whole crew is together to chat the games they have been playing. We spoke about Bugsnax, Cookie Cranker, Kids, the Steam demo festival, Anger Foot, Streets of Rage 4. And then Lucy and Aadil do a deep dive on TMNT: Shredder’s revenge, expect nostalgia. Ben had the Iron...
  • Tanked Up 332 – Fantasy (Not Final) e3 Roundup

    We touch on beer subscriptions and what can make them special versus stale. This week’s tupic was e3/not e3. We talk trailers vs gameplay and interviews, and all the deadspaces. Inevitably, without Lucy around there was a lot of Final Fantasy 7 talk. Ben gave his highlights from all...
  • Tanked Up 331 – A Brave Noise World of Craft Beer Events

    We talk at length about our time at the Bristol Craft Beer Festival, and beer festivals in general before getting into the annual “Why e3 exist?” conversation. Oh also an argument about the optimal way to get your microsoft rewards points happened. Lucy, Ben, and Aadil had the Brave...
  • Tanked Up 330 – A Planet Zoo of Saint’s Row Bosses

    Ben has played a lot of Planet Zoo, and its still a lot deeper than the Jurassic World Evolution series. We chat about Netflix gaming and the byzantine approach to accessing their games. Lucy played Poinpy which is a joy. We also chatted about Diablo Immortal, She also played...
  • Tanked Up 329 – Bees and CAMRA BS

    Lucy tells us of her time with APICO, a beekeeping simulator with minecraft-like survival elements. Ben touches on his first impressions of Diablo Immortal. We then spend the rest of the episode talking about the open letter from CAMRA chairman Nik Antona to the Minister for Small Business lobbying...