Ben and Aadil are rejoined by the on-the-mend Lucy talking some more e3, with “Spider-man” causing a diatribe from Aadil about Quick-Time Events and character powers in them. We touch on “Tacoma”, “Cup-Head”, “Life is Strange Season 2”, the “Devolver Digital” conference, and the XXXBone. We move on to...
This week its Ben and Aadil chatting about their top highlights from e3, the latest offering from the studio that brought us the burnout series, ‘Danger Zone’, and a full-on tangent on Collectible Card Games; “Duelyst”, “Gwent, etc. Ben has the ‘Saison d’Avon’ from “Lost & Grounded”, and ‘Above...
We start off this week with some listener mail, and talk about our beer storage (and pourage) vessels of choice. Its our second week of e3 predictions, covering the various non-SoNinSoft presentations that will come up. Our hopes, dreams, and the usual drivel flows. Ben starts things off with...
Its that time again, E3 is fast approaching and its our first prediction episode. But first we start off with a discussion on the growing trend of craft beer availability in the supermarkets. Then we talk predictions on Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft. Ben and Lucy start with ‘New World’...
It’s our first Ben-less week. Aadil is joined by Ms. Beeresistable herself, Lucy Yearwood. Without Ben to reign us in, we talk about quite a bit starting with the newly launched XBox Game Pass, compare it to EA Access, and rant about the weird business models that exist around...
Ben and Aadil are in the same room! Joined via interwebs by the beeresistible Lucy. We talk “Little Nightmares”, “Alien Isolation”, “Adventure Capitalist”, “Super Mario Run”, and the ideal placement of a laptop in the bathroom. We also chat around a long-running MMO having an easter egg held hostage...
Ben and Aadil are joined by the lovely Lucy once again for the last of our Cloud Water DIPA specials. We talk the difference between seeking games/consoles at release versus seeking out those lucious rare craft specials, Tell Tales’ Game of Thrones & Tales from the Borderlands and a...
We’ve got a very special episode for you this week! Ben and Aadil took a walk down the East Bristol Brewery Trail and sat down for quite some time at Good Chemistry with the wonderful Sam Curley. We have a few great beers and chat about games, beer, custom...
Hullo folks, had a bit of a technological SNAFU while I was off in Canadia resulting in the loss of the latter half of this ep. But then, Ben went and lost his voice the following week, so we’ve elected to release this shorty, rather than deny the throngs...
We are trans-atlantic once again! Ben and Lucy are joined by the prairie-bound Aadil from flattest Canadia. We talk “Mad Max”, “The Witcher 3”, “Snake Pass”, “The Binding of Isaac” as well as the the horrors of the DS3 and fighting completionist tendencies. Ben started things off with the...
It’s Ben, Aadil and Lucy this week. We played the paper-crafty puzzler “Kami 2”, “Battlefield 1” and the important pokemans in GO form. Aadil moves house and we also chat Netflix and TV shows and bad pacing, and by that I mean we rag on Ironfist. Ben and Aadil...
We talk more Tom Clancy’s(tm) Ghost Recon: Wildlands, Manual Samuel, Bye-bye BoxBoy, and Lucy’s first impressions of Splatoon 2. Ben and Aadil start off with the “Verdant” ‘I played trumpet on that tune’ IPA, and follow it up with the ‘Kokomo Weekend’ IPA from our friends over at “Good...
Its another Cloud Water Special this week, with your hosts Ben and Aadil trying out the DIPA v11 and v12! Joining us this week is Lucy Yearwood, also partaking in the v12 and the Beavertown Double Chine DIPA. We talk Lumo, the Metal Gear Solid series, and the loveliness...
Its a star-studded cast this week, Ben and Aadil are joined by Lucy and Out of Lives own Adam Thomas. Aadil talks briefly of his hour or so reredoing the first province of Tom Clancy’s-tm Ghost Recon Wildlands. The rest have a large conversation about Horizon: Zero Dawn, followed...
Ben and Aadil indulge in some rambles about their latest accounting woes. Ben played a handful of games, including ‘Undertale’ and ‘Kingdom’. We continue off our discussions of censorship, criticism and the apparent inability of people to tell the difference. Specifically youtubers and their need for solidarity and the...
Ben and Aadil are joined by the pre-order queen herself, Lucy Yearwood. We talk about her hands-on Nintendo Switch preview, before getting into the muck with the latest antics of one ‘PewDiePie’, knee-jerk reactions, and of course what the heck is censorship anyway. As well as a secret revelation...
Its… wait for it… ben and aadil for shorty awesome twosome episode. Apologies Aadil’s audio isn’t the best this week. We talk ‘Fire Emblem: Heroes’, mention ‘Lionheart: Tactics’. We started off with another “Lost & Grounded” ‘No Rest for Dancers’ a Hoppy Red Ale, and followed it up with...
A Will Smith shorty this week with Ben and Aadil. We talk ‘Fire Emblem: Heroes’, an annoyance in ‘2048’, and a little more of ‘The Division’. And Aadil shows off how much he knows about the miracle of conception… and ‘willies’. Beer-wise we welcome “Lost and Grounded” a new...
The Will Smith dream team is back! Ben and Aadil talk games over a couple of games. ‘2048’, ‘Gravity Rush’ and ‘Hyperdimension Neptunia’. — Yay Japan! Oh and also, Aadil shows off his inability with the english language, before even having a drink or anything. We drank the Beavertown...
Ben and Lucy discuss the games they’ve recently been playing. Lucy’s been getting into her puzzles in ‘She Remembered Caterpillars’ and ‘Toby: The Secret Mine’ whilst Ben’s been taking advantage of the recent psn sales with ‘Ratchet & Clank’ and ‘Virginia’. Lucy drinks a Moor ‘Raw’ bitter beer and...
Happy New Year! Ben and Aadil are joined by Lucy to talk about the ‘Hidden Gems’ of the past year in gaming. Beer-wise we all are drinking the Cloudwater Double IPA ‘v9’ and ‘v10′. Excitement all ’round!...
Join us for the last episode of 2016. This week Ben is joined by the Queen of Indies Lucy Yearwood replacing Aadil who is lost in Canada somewhere with no Internet or beer. They talk about finding the time to return to the games missed this year starting with...
Its just the two of us, Ben and Aadil, in our second holiday spectacular. We talk about modding, Skyrim, Banished, the ‘Doublefine Adventure’ documentary series, Hyperdimension Netpunia, the Division, Hitman. Our topic of the week is all about PC Gaming, and the hardware dance that is PC Gaming. And...
It’s another Will Smith shortie this week and the beginning of our ‘holiday celebrations’. We talk Borderlands (1!), Hitman (-), and of course a touch of Battlefield 1. Ben and Aadil started with Anchors 2016 seasonal ale, the aptly named ‘Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2016’. Following it...
It’s the two of us, Ben and Aadil, this week. We talk ‘Stardew Valley’, ‘Mini Metro’, parachuting shenanigans in ‘GTA Online’ and Ben’s favourite kill in Battlefield 1. Its America (aka Trump) week here at TUP. Aadil started out with Tap It brewery’s American Pale Ale, and the ‘Soul...
Happy Sales week. Its another smithisode with Ben and Aadil talking about… you guessed it ‘Battlefield 1’, but also ‘Battlefield Hardline’, ‘Street Fighter 5’, ‘Stardew Valley’ and all of the sales going on, including some hopes and dream purchase. Beerwise we had the Arbor and Buskers ‘Lost in Translation’...
A touch delayed but still ’round, apologies for this and the sounds quality this week. Ben and Aadil chat about “Everybody’s Gone to the Gungeon”, PS Now’s “Uncharted” and “Killzone”, with Aadil finding out how spoiled he is by skipping some previous generation teething. This week we talk “The...
Ben and Aadil take a field trip to the ‘Brewhouse and Kitchen – Bristol’ who had a little beerfest this past weekend. We talk, you guessed it, more ‘Battlefield 1’ as well as ‘Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture’ and a couple non-battlefield battlefield conversations. As well as the birth...
This week marks the triumphant return of the beerisistable Lucy Yearwood, along with the awesome two-some Ben & Aadil. We talk ‘Mafia III’, Ben gushes about ‘Battlefield 1’ (Aadil does too). Of course there are the obligatory mentions of ‘Hitman’ and ‘Super Hexagon’. We then go on to talk...
Another Will Smithisode as Ben and Aadil chat and drink. Ben went to the Playstation future of Play tour to try Eve: Valkyrie. Aadil rolls into chatting Super Stardust VR via a few more of the experiences and demos currently available for his new unit. They also both played...
Another of our patented two-fers. Ben and Aadil chat “Destiny” and “Deus Ex: Mankind Divided” before discussing this weeks topic, Virtual Reality first experiences and loose headset comparisons. Aadil tosses back the ‘Wild Hare’ Pale Ale by Bath Ales, and then the “N7” IPA by Hammerton Brewery. Ben goes...
Holy Cow its episode 50! Another shortie, this time we chat some free games, “Transformers: Devastation” one of this months PS+ grabs, “Star Trek Online”, and then Aadil rambles on about “Warframe” as if it was his destiny. Plus the last of our interviews from EGX: Into the Black...
A short pod this week, followed by an EGX interview! Aadil and Ben talk Playstation4 release strategies, sine-waves and go on a couple tangents right off the bat. Afterwards we hear Aadil’s interview of one of the devs of this week’s PC and PS4 release ‘Aragami’ by Lince Works....
EGX has taken it out of everyone so this week we’ve just an interview for you from Aadil’s time there. He’s played Windlands and chats with Nick from Psytec Games all about it. Enjoy. Check them out on twitter @windlands_game and us @TankedUP_cast Tanked Up 48 – Windlands at EGX...
Ben, Aadil and Lucy get together this week to chat a slew of Playstation games and the ‘event of the year’ the Playstation Meeting. Lucy kicks us off with recent PS4 exclusive Ratchet and Clank. Aadil chats Badlands, one of this months PS Plus free games, and Ben’s been...
This week it’s just Ben and Aadil; having a beer, talking some games — no theme, just short and sweet. Ben spoke about “The Old City: Leviathan”, and then the boys wax poetic about ‘walking simulators’, and the wonder of narratives. Aadil follows this up with a less tidy...
This week its Ben and Aadil, once again joined by the beerisitible Lucy. We talk Hue, and the Titanfall 2 beta. In a landmark moment, the three of us managed to get the same beers. We started with Moor Brewing’s “So’Hop”, and followed it up with Cloudwater’s limited release...
Ben and Aadil are once again joined by Ms. Beeresistible herself, Lucy. We talk about the Iron Maiden mobile game, Reigns, Abzu and No Man’s Sky. Topping everything off with a discussion of the latest whiny controversies the gaming community has took to twitter to angrily board the whambulance....
One game, Paragon. One beer, Wiper & True Quintet IPA. One shelf, a small DIY job that Ben and Aadil undertook. Whilst starting they realised that it would be the only opportunity they had to record. Tanked Up 43 – The Paragon of DIY...
Ben , Aadil and Lucy find some time to have a few beers and discuss a few games. Lucy has been playing Foul Play and Type:Rider on the Vita whilst Holidaying. Ben has spent most of his time wandering the streets on Pokémon Go and not playing Soma. Aadil...
Many beers are drunk and games discussed as Ben and Aadil are joined this week by Lucy Yearwood. Lucy kicks us off talking 10 second Ninja X, Ben rolls in discussing Volume and Aadil speaks briefly about LEGO my Star Wars. We finish by discussing the site G2A and...
Bummed that we won’t be a member of the EU soon? Well come and listen to Ben and Aadil, recorded in a much more prosperous time, discuss a few games this week and ruminate on E3 2016 to help forget about your troubles. Ben’s been playing Bullfrog classics Dungeon Keeper 2 and...
On this week’s episode we talk up all our wants and wishes from E3 2016. Ben and Aadil are, sort of, joined by returning guests Ross Miller and Lucy Yearwood and by special guest, from Out of the X Fire, Adam Thomas. Ben drinks a Brewdog Arcade Nation Black...
A link to help out our friends Collapsam and their fundraising gaming 24 hour stream. Tanked Up 38.5 – Not A Podcast...
This week Ben and Aadil are joined by the Indie Queen herself Lucy Yearwood. In true TankedUp fashion tangents abound. They crew talk: Hitman, Fistful of Guns, Indie Gaming on the various platforms, and LEGO games. The latter from a healthy nerdout about LEGO minifigures by Lucy and Aadil,...
This week the pod is plagued by the gremlins that exist in the world of tubes and audio devices. Fair warning the audio is sub-optimal, to say the least. It’s listenable, but sadly there are waves of noise coincidentally whenever Ben talks We also talk about some beers and...
This week Ben and Aadil take on three beers each, talk about: The Division, Tropico 5, Dragon Age: Origins and take on the latest Rumours about CoD: Infinite Warfare and the CoD 4 remake. Aadil threw back Picaroons ‘Feels Good’ Imperial Pilsner, 49 Parallel ‘Gypsy Tears’ Red Ale and...
Its Star Wars Day! Ben and Aadil souse it up with chats about Star Wars games, and of course beers. We talk about the latest Battlefront, the best Battlefront, our top Star Wars Games, and what would make our ideal Star Wars Game. And we read our first piece...
It’s a bumper episode this week as Ben and Aadil ramble on for a couple of hours. They discuss Battleborn, Mirrors Edge 2, The PS4 port of Zombi and Not a Hero culminating in a chat about the responsibility of broadcasters to their audience. Ben drinks Brutal Brewing Pistonhead...
This week Ben and Aadil aim for a ‘quick’ episode, with the expected result. More on the FFXV demo, leading to a handful of discursive tangents. We also talk Dead Star, one of this months PS Plus games. This week’s topic comes from the problems with the Division updates...