
  • Simplicity & Joy

    “It’s the simple things in life that give you the most joy.” They stand the test of time in a way that more complicated things often, just, don’t. When I think back to my childhood many of the things I enjoyed fitted this particular bill. So many things that...
  • Gran Turismo Sport

    Polyphony Digital and the Gran Turismo franchise hold a special place in my heart. I remember as a young kid getting stuck on the licences, my older cousin would do them all and give me the save on a memory card. I remember getting a go of the red...
  • Elis James & John Robins Podcast Review 2 –

    Episodes Reviewed:         01-264 Average Episode Length:     1:25:00 Release Schedule:     Finished   The Elis James & John Robins Podcast is special. To me and to thousands of other people who call themselves PCDs (Podcast Devotees). It’s special for a number of reasons. Reasons that I’ll struggle...
  • Bittersweet Endings

    In the last few months I’ve really blasted through some shows. Quite a few to say the least; many of which I have written about for this very site. I think in this age of binge media we are all familiar with the bittersweetness of getting to the end...
  • Yearly Review – Adam (2018)

    2018, it’s been one of those years. I’ve moved twice– wait a minute, this sounds familiar… “2017, it’s been one of those years. I’ve moved house twice, helped my Dad move, took a break from Out of Lives to sort things out, struggled with some other stuff, done some...
  • Detonation Imminent

    Since Elite: Dangerous launched 4 years ago so many things have changed. Frontier Developments have been tirelessly working on adding and improving this Space Sim MMO of theirs. But until recently one aspect of the game that hadn’t really seen any of that is mining. I wrote in a...
  • Making Me Smile

    It’s okay to not be okay. It is. Everyone gets sad, angry or upset. It’s part of life. To get the highs you have to take the lows, the rough with the smooth and any other cliches that come to mind. – A rock and a– no, not that...
  • God of War-dio(book)

    God of War (PS4), released earlier this year, is creeping back into conversations amongst gamers; As part of the annual tradition of arguing about which game each individual thinks is the Game of The Year (GOTY). We all enjoy a bit of (mostly) friendly discussion based on our experiences...
  • Dragon Ball Z Abridged

    Just about anyone with a passing awareness, let alone interest, in Anime will have heard of Dragon Ball Z (DBZ) at some point. The series forming a central part of what is often known as the “Golden Age of Anime on TV” in the West during the late 90’s...