
  • The Balls Are Gathered & Then Scattered Once Again

    We’re finally at the end of a long journey. I’ve watched 291 episodes of anime and written 12 articles about them – including this one. That’s a lot. Easily the biggest undertaking I’ve had as a writer thus far. I actually dread to think about the word count of...
  • The Mess & Kid Buu

    Season Nine is, in a word, a mess. A meandering mixture of interesting, inexplicable, cool and downright ridiculous twists and turns. It feels aimless at times because it simply doesn’t have the overarching structure that most of the other seasons had to keep it focused. We get to a...
  • The Directionless Villain

    My previous article in this series ended where I feel Season Eight should have, with Vegeta’s sacrifice, his final atonement. In this article I’m going to wrap up Season Eight and really dissect the reasons why this saga runs into so many problems compared to the others that preceded...
  • Pride & Atonement

    Okay, so last season was a bit of a disappointment but the good news is, this season is sublime. I’ve been waiting for this season. There’s so much to talk about I’m really excited to get stuck into it. So much so I’m writing this opening paragraph before I’ve...