
  • The First Attempt at a Fargo TV Series was a Failure

    17 years before Noah Hawley's masterful televisual take on Fargo, a pilot was produced which failed in every aspect to capture the essence of the film...
  • Why Ole Munch is the Ultimate Fargo Character

    Munch is the ultimate Fargo character, shifting roles across the season, embodying so much of the show and its various, almost contradictory aspects, before becoming its thematic heart...
  • Should Yellowjackets Go Full-Blown Supernatural in Season 2?

    In its final few episodes, the first season of Yellowjackets threatened and flirted with the idea of a supernatural force. The woods are alive with the sound of cannibalistic cults, shroom orgies, and possibly spirits orchestrating dark deeds. Or is everyone just going a little bit mad with the...
  • Landscapers is Almost Brilliant But Tries Too Hard to be Different

    Amid a deluge of prestige true crime dramas, Landscapers vows to carve out its own identity by being different. But is it trying too hard? In telling the story of Susan and Christopher Edwards, and their murder of Susan’s parents, Landscapers employs fourth wall breaks, black-and-white flashbacks, blurred edges...
  • Why Fargo Should be the Template for the Alien TV Series

    If there’s one person who can be trusted with bringing Alien to television it’s Noah Hawley. The creative mind behind Fargo, the four-season anthology series spawned from the Coen Brothers film, is currently writing the sci-fi horror series which will enter production in spring of 2022. Few details are...
  • Fargo Season 4 is Flawed, But it’s Still Fargo

    Fargo season four has some problems. The comedy-drama tries its hand at being a crime epic but bites off more than it can chew. The show works when it zeroes in on specific characters and focuses its vision but too often the sheer sprawl of the narrative forces the...
  • East/West is Fargo’s Masterpiece

    Fargo’s fourth season is a bit of a mess. It’s always enjoyable but often unfocused, bouncing between storylines and ideas that have the potential to be fascinating but never quite gain momentum. The extended 11-episode season had some episodes in the middle of the season edited and reshuffled into...
  • Fargo Season 3 is the Ultimate ‘True Story’

    The first time I watched the third season of Fargo, upon its initial airing, I was befuddled by the opening scene. Despite being described as Siberia with family restaurants, 2010’s Minnesota is a long way away from an interrogation room in 1988’s East Germany. The scene sees a government...
  • Understanding the UFO in Fargo Season 2

    “This is a true story”. Every episode of Fargo, and the film before it, begins with what is, quite simply, a blatant lie. There is very little truth in Fargo, at least in terms of historical precedent. Yet this opening lie sets a tone and hopefully puts the viewer...