
  • London Gaming Market: July 2016

    This past weekend I took a trip down to the London Gaming Market (LGM) to see what the retro gaming world has to offer. For those that haven’t heard of it before, the LGM is held by Replay Events every 4 months at the Royal Hotel in Russell Square...
  • Halo Wars 2 New Campaign Trailer

    343 Industries released a new trailer for 2017’s Halo Wars 2 at during a panel at RTX.  You can watch this trailer here thanks to YouTube’s MYTHICALTWINKIE who managed to upload the trailer to his channel. Halo Wars 2 New campaign cutscene footage revealed!Watch this video on YouTube Halo...
  • RNGesus Is A Dick

    It’s a bold headline. Many of you are probably thinking “Whaaat?” I am of course referring to the Random Number Generator that forms the basis of many loot drop based games. Destiny and Dragonball XenoVerse are the 2 games that come to mind, that I’ve played recently, which have...
  • Steam Summer Sale 2016

    The Steam summer sale has begun and there may be more games on offer than you think. So scroll past the highlighted deals and get into the meat of the offers. Steam currently lists 12767 titles on sale. We’ve picked a few games from day 1 of the sale which...
  • What is Sucker Punch Doing?

    A few weeks ago on the Out of The XFire podcast we spoke about a rumour regarding Sucker Punch. They are a Sony owned, 1st party studio known for the Infamous game series. The most recent of which, Infamous: Second Son, came out back in early 2014. So, they’ve...
  • The Post E3 Future of Consoles

    So with E3 done and dusted we have a lot more information and confirmations than we did before. I hosted an Out of Lives Special Discussion on the future of consoles and postulated why E3 2016 was more important than anyone seemed to realise. So was I right? How...
  • Portal 2, Left For Dead and More Coming To Xbox Today!

    UPDATE: Major Nelson has now confirmed the release of five Xbox 360 titles coming to backwards compatibility today, they are Left 4 Dead, Portal 2, Flashback, Babel Rising and Brain challenge. Left 4 Dead and Portal 2 are coming to Xbox One Backward Compatibility today — Larry Hryb...
  • A Therapeutic Topic During A Hectic Week

    It’s E3 week! That means the world of Games is running around like a headless chicken, screaming and crying at the same time. All the new games announced, new trailers, first looks at gameplay and maybe even some new hardware. It is always so much to wrap your head...
  • GOG Summer Sale 2016

    The GOG summer sale is currently 7 days in and bursting with great deals, but you might not have noticed due to a big gaming expo currently happening in a far away land, so I’m here to tell you all about it.   The 2016 summer sale has been running since 7th...