• New Listing Appears on Amazon For Metal Gear Solid 5: Definitive Ex

    Retailer Amazon has put up a listing for Metal Gear Solid 5: Definitive Ex from Konami. The new listing also features a release date of the 31st of December 2016, but this is more than likely a placeholder. Discovered by Reddit user TheMotion, this new version of the game could be any...
  • Tanked Up 20 – Konami ‘City of Gangsters’

    We return for another week of video games and great craft beers. Aadil has completed the strategy crime sim Omerta: City of Gangsters. Alex has played a little more Hotline Miami and delved into Soma, a first person sci-fi horror whilst Ben has entered the giant open world of...
  • Konami Conundrum and Where Has Everybody Gone?

    Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture released last week and what an experience it proved to be. I absolutely loved it and will have a full review of the game going up shortly. I stopped myself after about an hour and made this video of my first impressions of the...