playstation 4

  • Kick & Fennick Coming To Home Consoles

    A new trailer for the home console version of Kick & Fennick has been released. What is Kick & Fennick? Well it’s an action adventure about Kick, a young boy and his robot companion Fennick. Kick is equiped with a gun not only kills the bad guys, but its recoil can be...
  • Final Fantasy XIV ‘Revenge of the Horde’ Trailer

    Final Fantasy XIV Patch 3.3 Gets a ‘Revenge of the Horde’ Trailer: FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward - Patch 3.3: Revenge of the Horde Trailer | PS4, PS3Watch this video on YouTube The latest patch will feature new emotes, hairstyles, mounts, and raids. Which is pretty standard stuff however the...
  • Minecraft Getting PvP Mode

    Minecraft receiving new updates that will add a set of new mini-games, the first being a competitive multiplayer mode releasing on consoles next month. Although the initial update will be free for players on all consoles, Microsoft reveals that it will introducing paid maps in the months to come. Microsoft’s marketing manager Jaime...
  • Super Mutant Alien Assault – Trailer PS4

    The recent trailer has arrived showcasing us Super Mutant Alien Assault due out on PS4 later this year. The game already getting high praise on steam sees three fleets of spaceships flee a doomed Earth carrying the last humans in cryostasis. Pursued by aliens, it’s up to the lowly...
  • Hands On Preview with The Last Guardian

    E3 2015, Sony re-introduced The Last Guardian, Fumito Ueda’s long-suffering follow-up to PS2 classics Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. Now, as we approach E3 2016, the publisher “Edge Magazine” has published the first ever hands-on preview of the game detailing new gameplay details and confirming that the game...
  • Neon Chrome PS4 Launch Trailer Released.

    Developer 10 tons has announced that Neon Chrome will hit the PlayStation 4 on May 31, and released a brand new trailer to show off the game. Neon Chrome – Launch Date Teaser Trailer | PS4Watch this video on YouTube Neon Chrome has been described as a twin stick...
  • Loot Rascals – Trailer PS4 and PC

    Loot Rascals is a tale of friendship, loss and redemption in outer space, where you’ll play as the survivor of a rocket crash, trying to escape the planet… The game is being developed for Playstation 4 and PC by the guys at Hollow Ponds (@hllwpnds). You play a different...
  • Hitman Episode 3 Gets a Release Date

    Sony have just announced the latest installment of the episodic Hitman game, will get a release on May 31st 2016. Players are invited to venture into Marrakesh on his latest missions. Details released are as follows:     The City of Contrasts Following up on the big fashion show event...
  • Koei Tecmo Tease Secret Project – To Be Revealed At E3

    Koei Tecmo have revealed that they are planning to announce a secret project one of their teams has been working on. A post to their website announcing their E3 line up for 2016 mentions that they have a secret project in the works that they will reveal at this...