
  • Tanked Up 206 – Small Islands In Other Waters

    Still in Lockdown Aadil has taken to tending a small virtual island in Animal Crossing New Horizons, Lucy has revisited a vibrant island full of puzzles in The Witness and both she and Aadil have spent time in the sea playing In Other Waters. As we record on a...
  • Next Gen Will Be In A Solid State

    It’s E3! Microsoft have given us the first details on the shape of their next generation offering, coming in late 2020, titled Project Scarlett. Since I did write down some thoughts on the details Sony released, in a Wired article, about the PS5; I thought I should do the...
  • Mark’s Got A Vision

    Wired recently published an article they did with Mark Cerny the lead designer of the PlayStation 4 and who is now working on the next generation of console for Sony in the same role. (For the sake of ease I’m going to call it the PS5) In the article...
  • Really, there will be a Ps5?

    Obviously, the title of this piece is sarcastic (it’s absurd I even think I have to mention it) but we have had some information revealed about Sony’s next-generation console. Their low key approach continues as Mark Cerney discussed the console with Wired and showed them a few of the...
  • Ideas for PlayStation in 2019

    2019 is an odd year. A year that isn’t quite about change in the console space but about learning when that change is coming. We’re winding down on the current consoles life cycle as rumours and light announcements are starting to be made. Whilst Microsoft have made their intentions...