Star Wars

  • Has Star Wars: Episode 8 Title Been Revealed?

    It looks like the title for Star Wars Episode 8 has been leaked. A video has surfaced online showing a poster from what appears to be Star Wars Celebration 2016. The title shown is ‘Star Wars: Fall of the Resistance’, which has the same connotations as the original second film...
  • Tanked Up 37 – Tangled Up

    This week the pod is plagued by the gremlins that exist in the world of tubes and audio devices. Fair warning the audio is sub-optimal, to say the least. It’s listenable, but sadly there are waves of noise coincidentally whenever Ben talks We also talk about some beers and...
  • Bioware Documentary – Creating Star Wars Games

    Collider Video on YouTube have released a fascinating documentary about Bioware. The 18 minute long video takes a look behind the scenes of how the Developer created fan favourite Star Wars games such as Knights of the Old Republic. The short documentary is available to watch now for free. If you are...
  • Tanked Up 35 – Star Wars Beerfronts Back

    Its Star Wars Day! Ben and Aadil souse it up with chats about Star Wars games, and of course beers. We talk about the latest Battlefront, the best Battlefront, our top Star Wars Games, and what would make our ideal Star Wars Game. And we read our first piece...
  • Respawn Developing New Star Wars Game

    Respawn Entertainment, best known for the Parkour heavy first-person shooter Titanfall, is developing a new third-person Star Wars game. The news came via EA’s official website from EA Studios Executive Vice President, Patrick Soderlund, “Today, I’m thrilled to be able to announce that EA and the talented team at Respawn...
  • New Games Added to Xbox One Backwards Compatibility: UPDATED

    Courtesy of Major Nelsons Blog it’s been announced that three more games have been added to Xbox One backwards compatibility. The three games are as follows, Jet Set Radio MX vs ATV Reflex Texas Hold ‘Em Nothing mind blowing there, unless of course you’re a poker fan like me, but...
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens – May The Fourth Trailer

    May the 4th be with you! LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens new trailer in celebration of Star Wars Day, showcasing the exciting new content that will be coming to a galaxy… not so far, far away on June 28, 2016 LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens - New Adventures TrailerWatch...
  • How Was The First Year of The New Era of Star Wars Comics?

    It’s hard to believe that it has been little over a year since the new run of Star Wars comic books began; what started with controversy from fans of the old canon has now blossomed into something better than our expectations could have hoped, uniting fans both old and...
  • Tanked Up 26 – Beer Wars, A New Hop

    Ben, Alex and Aadil get together to talk about the video games they’ve started their year off with. Aadil talks the early Final Fantasy games and grinding, Ben chats Titan Souls and Alex has finally seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The episode closes with a discussion and thoughts...