Star Wars

  • 4 Games You Should Avoid at Christmas

    Hear me moan, Christmas should be about spending time with the family and celebrating the birth of Jesus but if we’re being honest with ourselves Christmas is the only time of year where our insatiable greed and uncontrollable eating isn’t frowned upon. And Christmas is most certainly not about...
  • Star Wars Original Trilogy isn’t as Good as You Remember

    Hear me moan, To prep myself for The Force Awakens I revisited A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi – and they’re not as good as I remember. It’s difficult not to blame the prequels because they have, without a doubt, created plot-holes and...
  • Visceral Star Wars Thoughts

    A long time ago in a Galaxy far away… A lady called Amy Hennig left Naughty Dog on an adventure; through trade disputes and rebellions she travelled on. When she finally landed at a studio called Visceral Games she had a story to tell… But what story will it...
  • Star Wars Battlefront – The Force Is Strong With This One

    Those visitors who visited for the first ever post to the blog will be aware that its debut article was a mini-review of the Star Wars Battlefront Beta so it seems fitting that in the week of its release, Mete-Critic revisits SWBF for a full preview! SWBF will be...
  • Star Wars Battlefront – At A Glance

    As Star Wars fever prepares to grip the world for what seems to be billed as another decade, Lucas Arts has got its marketing ‘hamster wheel’ churning early with the Beta access to Star Wars Battlefront. Billed as “Battlefield with a Star Wars skin” by some gaming websites, SWBF...
  • Who Should Compose the Star Wars Anthology Film?

    It’s hard to imagine but next year’s Star Wars film, Rogue One, will be the first live action Star Wars film not composed by John Williams. Of course classic Star Wars themes created by Williams will no doubt be used but any new music will be composed by French...
  • Worst Things About The Star Wars Original Trilogy

    It’s easy to say that the original trilogy is flawless. The films are monoliths of popular culture, inspiring current legends of cinema like Christopher Nolan to begin making films. They propelled the art of visual effects forwards into previously unimaginable directions and most of all made multiple generations fall...
  • Best Things About The Star Wars Prequels

    There is no getting away from the fact that I’m a massive Star Wars fan. For every purposely chosen fact or titbit that the master of withholding information, JJ Abrams, releases about the upcoming The Force Awakens, my excitement grows tenfold. I’m invested in the new canon whether it’s...
  • EA at Gamescom, What Did They Bring to The Table?

    Well it’s been quite the show already and it’s barely got started, Gamescom 2015 is turning out to be a very good show with a lot to see and a lot to talk about. I covered Microsoft in yesterday’s blog so today it’s EA’s turn after they had a...