
  • This Week’s TV Highlights – 28th May 2016

    As one TV season ends, another starts, so the saying goes (it does, doesn’t it?). Viewers are lucky this week to have a plethora of great TV to watch! With The Flash pushing into it’s finale week and Supergirl bearing down, on its first season end, I am happy...
  • In Praise of…. Agent Carter

    Marvel’s Agent Carter was one of the casualties of this year’s ABC cancellations. However, it was still some great TV, made all the better by being a canonical part of the MCU. Viewer figures were not good though and it fell after two seasons, only 18 episodes. Agent Carter...
  • This Week’s TV Highlights – 14th May 2016

    I am skipping the backlog busters this week, and looking only at new shows. As fun as my backlog is, there was a lot to talk about this week on TV, both good and bad. As always: Beware! Spoilers below! Supergirl Season 1, Episode 15 – Solitude Sky1 Supergirl...
  • To Boldly Go

    To Boldly Go… One particular franchise has lived long and prospered on both the big screen and small screen. Star Trek, from the original in 1966 through multiple series, movies, cast, crew, Star Ships and decades, it has continued where so many others have disappeared. Very few franchises have...
  • In Praise Of… Brooklyn Nine-Nine

    Brooklyn Nine-Nine Netflix & E4 Before I get into the meat of this piece, let me just say, I love this show. I love the breadth of characters, I love the actors and how they play their parts, I love the one liners, I love the fact it has...
  • Jessica Jones Season 2 Filming Back to Back with The Defenders

    Marvel’s Netflix schedule is already pretty extensive, especially now that they have announced a Punisher spinoff. But Jessica Jones fans needn’t panic as Krysten Ritter says Season 2 will start production immediately after the small screen team up series ‘The Defenders’. When speaking with DigitalSpy about the now very...
  • This Week’s TV Highlights – 7th May 2016

    Another great week of TV is behind us! Stories are pushing on towards the season finale, and I am pushing onwards through my backlog. As always – Beware, spoilers follow!   Orphan Black Season 4, Episode 3 – The Stigmata Of Progress Netflix, 29th April 2016 Orphan Black this...
  • In Praise of… iZombie

    iZombie Netflix Thanks to the wonder of Netflix, UK subscribers can now experience the first two seasons of comic book based iZombie. The show, based loosely (very loosely) on the DC / Vertigo book of the same name, follows Olivia “Liv” Moore, a fully functioning zombie in Seattle. The...
  • Oberyn-Martell-Death

    Game of Thrones: Death Has Lost All Relevance

    WARNING: Spoilers for Game of Thrones season 1 through 6 contained within!!! Before I start it’s important to point out that I haven’t read the books written by George R. R. Martin. My knowledge of Game of Thrones is based on what has been established in the HBO TV...