
  • Bittersweet Endings

    In the last few months I’ve really blasted through some shows. Quite a few to say the least; many of which I have written about for this very site. I think in this age of binge media we are all familiar with the bittersweetness of getting to the end...
  • Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

    Following on from my earlier article, The Dark Side of Alchemy, I’m now in a position to share some thoughts on Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood as a whole. I wrote the earlier article after I had finished “Part 1” which is the first 13 episodes; this time I’m writing having...

    Kaiju are giant. Enormous. They are impossible to miss. You’d know if you saw one, you would just know. Yet in SSSS.GRIDMAN a lot of them manage to fade into the background. Standing like mountains in full view yet seemingly almost invisible. After a few episodes I realised that...
  • Goblin Slayer

    The trouble with goblins is, nobody takes them seriously. They’re just goblins after all; little more than an irritation. How many games have you played, or stories have you read/watched, where goblins are a monster enemy? 10, 20, 100? What proportion of those treated them as anything more difficult...
  • The Dark Side of Alchemy

    Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood caught me out big time. I really wasn’t prepared for what would happen in Episode 4. I don’t think I could have been less prepared for it if I’m honest. “What happened?” you ask; I’m not going to tell you as that would spoil it. What...
  • Yearly Review – Alex (2018)

    It’s that time of the year again where we look back and arbitrarily assign a value to things we did over the last twelve months. 2018 has been an amazing year again for our hobbies, it has given us the opportunity to experience some spectacular games, astonishing movies, and...
  • Yearly Review – Adam (2018)

    2018, it’s been one of those years. I’ve moved twice– wait a minute, this sounds familiar… “2017, it’s been one of those years. I’ve moved house twice, helped my Dad move, took a break from Out of Lives to sort things out, struggled with some other stuff, done some...
  • Making Me Smile

    It’s okay to not be okay. It is. Everyone gets sad, angry or upset. It’s part of life. To get the highs you have to take the lows, the rough with the smooth and any other cliches that come to mind. – A rock and a– no, not that...
  • Entertainment Fatigue Busting

    Ben’s article on Entertainment Fatigue struck a chord with me as I’m sure it will with many people. Everyone will experience it at some point, if you haven’t yet you’ve got it to look forward too, if not for very long. I’ve regularly found myself in a state of...