verdant brewing co

  • Tanked Up 250 – Just Another Episode

    We made it, 250 episodes, 6 years to the month when we began. Because its a super special number we decided to do something special. We talk more and crack an extra beer. Super special. We talk Hitman 3, Control and its Foundation and AWE DLC, and Neoverse with...
  • Tanked Up 238 – Going Under the Tetris Arena tours of New York

    On the show this week the beers are cracked and Lucy Gose to Hollywood with her first beer from To Øl, Aadil drinks Buxtons Ace Edge and Ben has Now We Are Here from Verdant. Games are discussed and Aadil leads with an update to Magic the Gathering Arena....
  • Tanked Up 233 – Solitaire Squadrons of Neatly Organised Cats

    We’ve all got beers and we’ve all played games. Aadil kicks off with his thoughts on The Solitaire Conspiracy. Ben has put some time into Star Wars Squadrons and Lucy has played both Cats Organized Neatly and I Am Dead. Ben drinks Saturated in Idaho 7 from Deya and...
  • Tanked Up 218 – The Almost Gone, Where There’s Always More Beer

    This week we’ve 6 beers and 5 games to chat through. Aadil starts off the drinking with Hopstravaganza from The White Hag, Lucy has World King Fist from Burning Soul Brewery and Ben drinks Deya’s Something Good 5. Both Aadil and Lucy have been playing The Almost Gone, a...
  • Tanked Up 207 – With Added Points of Brew

    We are joined by Stephen Carter, AKA Points of Brew to discuss his new beer and gaming podcast of the same name. We discuss Final Fantasy 7, both original and remake, Sea of Thieves and Scrapers on Apple Arcade. With four of us, this is a big 8 beer...
  • Tanked Up 152 – A Philosophical Ca(t)meo(w)

    Lucy returns to join Ben and Aadil as we get heavy from the off, discussing philosophy and video games. Talk moves to pub trips, Weatherspoons and the ageing demographic of pub goers. We finish on some puzzle games including the New York Times Crossword, Golf Peaks and G30 rounding...